Bolt in Chernivtsi

Bolt in Chernivtsi

Chernivtsi – cultural & scientific-educational focus of Ukraine, center of the Chernivetska agglomeration and the historical capital of the Bukovynskyi region. City was founded in the XII century, first mention dates back to 1407, and in 1488 received the Magdeburg Law. First of all, it is known among Ukrainians and tourists for its unsurpassed architectural heritage. Sure, its main attraction is the Residence of Bukovynian and Dalmatian Metropolitans (complex was built in 1864-1882; inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List), now it is home of Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. However, this is far not the only noteworthy building! Visit the Town Hall (no less then 126 steps to its top), take a walk along the Olha Kobylianska central pedestrian street, drop into the Chernivtsi Museum of Local Lore and Chernivtsi Museum of Fine Art. Next, evaluate the Holy Spirit Cathedral in the style of the Italian Renaissance and look at the neo-renaissance-secession ensemble of Chernivetskyi Theater of Music & Drama. And finally, take a glimpse at Sviato-Mykolaiivska Church – the embodiment of the Romanian style of sacred architecture (the modern border with Romania is only 40 km away).

Available services in Chernivtsi

تعرف على المزيد حول الخدمات التي نقدمها حاليًا في جميع أنحاء المدينة.
رحلات بولت

رحلات بولت

الطلب في ثوان، رحلة في دقائق.

بولت هي خدمة نقل الركاب الآمنة والموثوقة المتوفرة بنقرة زر واحدة. اطلب رحلة واحصل على سائق من أعلى التصنيفات في أكثر من 600 مدينة حول العالم.

قم بتنزيل تطبيق بولت لتستمتع برحلة مريحة الى وجهتك.

Available services in Chernivtsi

احصل على نقل سريع ومخفض من المطار مع بولت.
service Bolt icon
سيارات عادية، رحلات يومية
service Comfort icon
Spacious cars, comfortable rides
service XL icon
سيارات كبيرة، لمجموعات كبيرة
service Delivery icon
التوصيل السريع
service Pets icon
الحيوانات الأليفة
Pet-friendly cars and drivers

Fares are estimates only. Prices may vary based on traffic conditions, unforseeable delays, discounts and other factors.

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رحلات مشهورة في Chernivtsi
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