Bolt in Vyshhorod

Bolt in Vyshhorod

Vyshhorod is a northern suburb of Kyiv, a city of the Kyiv agglomeration with its own population of about 30,000 people. It was first mentioned in the Early Middle Ages, or more precisely, under the date of 946 AD in the «Rus Primary Chronicle» (the oldest known written source of Kievan Rus, in which the history of the state is shown on a broad background of world events). Vyshhorod is located on the right bank of the Dnipro river, the appearance of which is formed by the Kyiv Reservoir and the dam of the Kyivskyi HPP (upper step of the Dniprovskyi HPP cascade). Therefore, the waterfront is perfect for a walk, and for connoisseurs – «Horodyshche of the chronicle city of Vyshhorod (XI-XIII centuries)» archeological site is worth exploring. In addition, for a better understanding of the events of the Revolution of Dignity (Euromaidan), or just for fun, you should order Bolt and visit the Museum of Corruption «Mezhyhiria» located in Novi Petrivtsi.

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