Monthly statements and invoices

  • By the 3rd day of each month, Bolt sends a monthly statement (or invoice, if applicable to your company) for the previous month to the company’s chosen email address.

  • The document contains all orders placed within the month in addition to the service fees and discounts.

Below you can find more information about:

Accessing and downloading a monthly statement or invoice
  • To view and download all of your statements or invoices, open the Billing tab in your Company Dashboard and click on Statements.
  • The link for downloading the document is also included in the statement/invoice email sent to the recipient at the beginning of the month.
  • If you haven’t received the email, please check if you have provided the correct email as the recipient in your Company Dashboard.

Adding or changing the email recipient(s)

The monthly statement or invoice recipient(s) can be updated or added by opening the list of recipient(s) in the Statements tab under Billing.

Individual ride receipts and CSV reports
  • Individual ride receipts can be found and downloaded in the Rides tab.
  • To download the CSV report (rides.csv), click on the down arrow button in the top right corner of the Rides tab.

The statement or invoice has incorrect data

Orders are missing:

  • Please check which payment method was used from the individual order receipts.
    • Personal payment card or another company’s payment method: Those order details can’t be changed after the order is confirmed.
    • Correct business payment method: Please contact us from the Support tab.

Bolt Food orders are missing from monthly invoices:

  • Monthly invoices do not contain Bolt Food orders. Please contact the restaurant directly to get a fiscal invoice.
  • A list of statements for your food orders can be found under Billing > Statements.
    • Important: A statement is not equal to an invoice and is not applicable to tax accounting.

If any of the other information needs to be corrected on the invoice, please reach out to us through the Support tab so our team can assist you.

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