Statuses of Drivers and Vehicles

Each driver and car is assigned a current status in the Status field. This status changes as you go through the registration steps.

Statuses of drivers and cars:

  • Active – the driver or the car is activated and can work on the platform
  • Hidden – the driver or the car was previously activated, but now cannot work on the platform
  • Blocked – the driver or the car is locked and cannot work with Bolt

Application statuses for drivers and cars:

  • Not completely filled – the application for adding the driver was not completely filled, you must complete the application:
  • Not completely filled out (contacts) – the application was not completed, it is necessary to continue registration and add contacts
  • Not completely filled out (personal data) – the application was not completed, it is necessary to continue registration and add information about personal documents
  • Not completely filled out (documents) – the application was not completed, it is necessary to continue registration and attach photos of the required documents
  • In the process of activation – Bolt is processing documents
  • Sent for activation – a request has been sent, Bolt is currently processing it
  • Activation denied – driver or car was not activated due to non-compliance with the requirements
  • Upload documents again – an error occurred while uploading documents, please try again by clicking on Open application
  • Documents are re-loaded – you have successfully re-uploaded documents, you must wait for Bolt to process the application

Note: You can continue to fill out the application at any time by clicking on the driver or car and filling out the remaining information.

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.