Information about promotions

If you would like to set a promotion for your location, email Support. Please include the following details:

  • Name of the location (if you have more than one)

  • Promo duration, i.e. start and end date

  • Promo type:

    • 2x1: The customer can order 2 identical items for the cost of 1
    • Free item: The customer gets a free item when they buy a certain item
    • % Discount: The customer can get a discount for an item(s)
    • Combo/special: The customer can buy a grouped meal at a single cost
    • Different discount levels on menu items (discounts are non-additive)
  • Items where the promo should apply.

If you have multiple active promotions of the same type, customers will be able to access the promotion with the higher discount value.

For example: If you have a 40% discount for new customers and a 20% discount for the entire menu at the same time, new customers will only see the 40% discount.

Note: A free delivery promotion is a different type of promo, so it is possible to run it simultaneously with a menu discount.

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Available for iOS and Android devices.
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