Boltonomics 2024 — three new year’s traditions to adopt.

16 Jan 2024

With every new year comes renewed attitudes and goals for most people. During the first month of the year is a time when we set the foundations for the rest of the year. However, after an expensive holiday season, January becomes the time when everything needs to come together for a new start. 

We have put together 3 traditions and practices for you to incorporate into your new year, and we hope that this inspires you to switch up your new year’s routine this year.

Reflect on the past year

Take some time to look back on the year that is past. Make a mental or physical note of; the lessons that you are taking with you, your favourite memories, your not so favourite ones and all the things you are grateful for. You can do your reflections alone or with a group of friends and family.

At Bolt, our favourite memories have been on the journeys that we took with you that’s why we went on a #ARideThroughTime together. 

Create a savings plan

At the height of many new year’s goals is the intention to save more money. Turn those intentions into actual actions by creating a savings plan. It starts by creating a budget that outlines your income and expenses and finding ways to create a healthy balance between them. 

There are also some steps you can take with Bolt that leaves you with more in your pocket;  

  • Opt for our low-cost ride categories: We’ve created more cost effective ways of getting around. Save more when riding with Bolt Economy.

Get a New Year’s Resolution 

Setting resolutions and goals at the start of every new year is commonplace. However it is so easy to fall off the wagon and forget the resolutions that have been set. To make resolutions more easy to stick with, they need to be realistic and there needs to exist some level of accountability. 

Some of our favourite resolutions are; 

  • Try something new. This could be a new meal or activity.
  • See new places. Local tourism is getting more popular and can serve as a very fulfilling experience. Its also easy to get around town in a Bolt.
  • Make healthier choices
  • Read more books, take advantage of your time on every trip to read at least one page of a book.

Reach out to a friend or someone you trust, visit a new place, try something different at a restaurant together. Create and share your resolutions while proposing ways to support one another in attaining your goals. 

We’re also making it easier for you to adopt these new traditions through our Boltonomics January Campaign. Get through this Janu-worry by entering our competition and standing a chance to win.

Visit our Instagram page, Bolt Tanzania, to opt in and find out more on how to participate in various giveaways.

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