Kõik Bolti partnerid Euroopa Liidus ja Norras peavad esitama kehtiva maksukohustuslasena registreerimise numbri kas registreerumise ajal või 60 päeva jooksul pärast konto avamist, kui Bolt seda nõuab. See on vajalik, et Bolt saaks täita DAC7 nõudeid ja edastada teavet maksuhalduritele.
Kui kehtivat teavet määratud ajavahemiku jooksul ei esitata, võime konto kasutamise võimaluse peatada ja/või hoiduda väljamaksete tegemisest, kuni vajalik teave on esitatud ja kontrollitud. Rohkem infot leiad üldtingimustest.
Maksukohustuslasena registreerimise numbri nimetus ja formaat varieeruvad olenevalt riigist ja partnerluse tüübist (eraisik vs juriidiline isik). Allpool on toodud teave Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikide, Norra ja Ühendkuningriigi kohta.
Kui oled registreerunud maksumaksjana ka teistes riikides, siis palun esita andmed nende riikide kohta.
Country | Individual TIN (name + format) | Legal entity TIN (name + format) |
Croatia | Osobni identifikacijski broj (OIB), Format: 99999999999 | Osobni identifikacijski broj (OIB), Format: 99999999999 |
Cyprus | Αρι θμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου (ΑΦΜ), Format: 99999999L | Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου (ΑΦΜ), Format: 99999999L |
Czech Republic | Daňové Identifikační Číslo (DIČ), Format: 999999/999 or 999999/9999 (devět čísel pro osoby narozené před rokem 1954, deset čísel pro osoby narozené po roku 1954) | Name: Daňové Identifikační Číslo (DIČ) Format: 999999/999 or 999999/9999 |
Estonia | Maksukohustuslasena registreerimise number = Isikukood, Format: GYYMMDDSSSC | Name: Maksukohustuslasena registreerimise number (KMKR) same as personal business registration number (Registrikood) Format: 99999999 The legal person's registration code consists of 8 numbers. For public limited companies, private limited companies, general partnerships, limited partnerships, and commercial associations, the code starts with number 1; for non-profit associations, it starts with number 8, and for foundations, it starts with number 9. |
Latvia | Nodokļu maksātāja identifikācijas numurs (NMIN) = TBC, Format: 38XXXX-XXXXX or 121212-XXXXX | Name: Nodokļu maksātāja identifikācijas numurs (NMIN) Format: issued by SRS 9000xxxxxxx issued by Register of Enterprise 4000xxxxxxx or 5000xxxxxxx |
Lithuania | Mokesčių identifikavimo numeris = Asmens Kodas, Format: 99999999999 | Name: Mokesčių identifikavimo numeris same as business registration code (juridinio asmens kodas) Format: 999999999 |
Malta | Tax identification number (nationals) (TIN) = Identity card number, Format: (0000)999L till 9999999L Or Taxpayer reference number, Format: 999999999 (non-Maltese nationals) | Name: Taxpayer reference number (TRN/TIN) Format: 999999999 |
Poland | Numery identyfikacji podatkowej (NIP) = PESEL, Format: 99999999999 | Name: Numery identyfikacji podatkowej (NIP) Format: 9999999999 As from 1st of September 2011, Poland issues TINs to other entities, which are subject to registration (i.e. individuals, legal persons, individuals who do not have the legal personality and other entities) provided that, according to the Polish acts, they are defined as taxpayers or payers of social security or health insurance contributions. |
Portugal | Número de identificação fiscal (NIF), Format: 1xx xxx xxx or 2xx xxx xxx or 45x xxx xxx (non-residents) | Name: Número de identificação fiscal (NIF) Format: For Corporations and Public entities: 5xx xxx xxx For State: 6xx xxx xxx For Inheritances, Corporations – non-residents (only subject to final withholding at source) and Investment Funds, respectively: 70x xxx xxx, 71x xxx xxx, 72x xxx xxx For Irregular Companies and others: 90x xxx xxx, 91x xxx xxx For Corporations - non-residents (with or without permanent establishment): 98x xxx xxx |
Romania | Numerele de identificare fiscală (NIF-uri), Format: 9999999999999 | Numerele de identificare fiscală (NIF-uri), Format: 9999999999 |
Slovakia | Daňové Identifikačné čísla (DIČ) = Rodné číslo, Format: 9999999999 or 999999/999(9) | Name: Daňové Identifikačné čísla (DIČ) Format: 9999999999 or 999999/999(9) TIN assigned by Financial Administration does not consist of any personal data of the physical person. TIN consists of 10 digits. For the purpose of IT processing, the TIN should be written as a single block without any slash sign. |