Bolt in Kamianske

Bolt in Kamianske

Kamianske is a city in the Dnipropetrovska oblast with its own population of over 220,000 people. It is an important part of the Dnipro agglomeration, located near the city of Dnipro (less than 20 km) on the banks of the Kamianskyi Reservoir below the Serednodniprovska HPP dam. In fact, its a satellite city of Dnipro, has close socio-economic ties with it. A city with a developed industrial sector (more than 48 enterprises; mainly metallurgical, machinery and chemical industries). There is also a scientific and technical base – Dniprovskyi State Technical University and a dozen of colleges. If you have some free time – use Bolt or walk to see the building of the St. Mykolai Catholic Church (built in 1895) or visit the Academic Music & Drama Theater n.a. Lesia Ukrainka.

Services disponibles à Kamianske

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