Bolt em Brovari

Bolt em Brovari

Brovary is a city of Kyiv agglomeration with a standalone population of over 100,000 people. Founded in the XII century, it received the status of a city only in 1956. Firstly developed as a significant industrial site, currently actively evolving as a residential area outside the capital (is stable in the top-3 in terms of the number of commissioned housing). Its name most likely comes from the Polish-German originated word «browary», i.e. brewers. There is a lot to do in the city: «Terminal» shopping mall offers, among other things, an indoor water park, an ice arena and karting. And the «Sapsan» sports & shooting complex with an area of 26 hectares (more than 12 shooting ranges, more than 56 target launchers) will allow you to try almost everything: from a crossbow to APC. Also, there’s plenty places to just walk – make some steps through «Sosnovyi», n.a. Taras Shevchenko or «Peremohy» park with an artificial lake.

Serviços disponíveis em Brovary

Descobre mais sobre os serviços que oferecemos atualmente nesta cidade.
Viagens de Bolt

Viagens de Bolt

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Serviços disponíveis em Brovary

Desloca-te de forma rápida e acessível com a Bolt.
service Bolt icon
Viagens rápidas e acessíveis
service Business icon
Viaja em trabalho
service Comfort icon
Carros espaçosos e confortáveis
service XL icon
Grupo grande, carro grande
service Kids icon
Carros equipados com cadeirinha de bebé

As tarifas apresentadas são estimativas. Os preços podem variar de acordo com o trânsito, atrasos imprevisíveis, descontos e outros fatores.

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Ganhe dinheiro com a Bolt

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Suporte Bolt Food
Bolt Business support
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