Bolt em Lutsk

Bolt em Lutsk

Lutsk is the administrative center and the largest city in Volynska oblast, historical & cultural core of Volyn. Undoubtedly, the main tourist attraction is Liubart Castle (or Upper Castle). This fortification on the river Styr was founded in 1340 by duke Liubart-Dmytro Hedyminovych, the last ruler of Halytsko-Volynska state. The Okolnyi (Lower) Castle with Chartoryiska tower also preserved here. However, these are not the only architectural attractions of the city! Have a look at the Holovan House (a.k.a. «Lutskyi House with Chimeras») – a unique monument of our time, decorated with many bas-reliefs & sculptures. Lutheran Kirche is a neo-Gothic church built in 1907, which definitely deserves attention. Also take a walk along the central Lesya Ukrainka str., visit Book Museum and the Kosach House, heading for building «А» of Volyn National University n.a. Lesya Ukrainka, located on Volia avenue.

Serviços disponíveis em Lutsk

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Serviços disponíveis em Lutsk

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