Bolt in Milan

Bolt in Milan

Learn more about our services in Milan. Bolt is available in 600+ cities worldwide!

Available services in Milan

Find out more about the services we currently offer across the city.
Bolt Micromobility

Bolt electric scooters and bikes

Bolt scooters and e-bikes are a more sustainable alternative to private cars. They’re safe, reliable, and eco-friendly. Choose Bolt’s micromobility services the next time you need to go somewhere.*

*Micromobility options vary by market.

Available services in Milan

Get around fast and affordably with Bolt.
service E-bike icon
On-demand e-bikes

Bei ni makadirio tu. Bei huwezao kutofautiana kulingana na hali za msongamano wa magari, punguzo au mambo mengine.

Wasiliana nasi

Wasiliana nasi

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