Car rental from just /min.

Car rental from just €0.13/min.

Bolt Drive is a low-cost, safe and convenient car-sharing solution that brings you all the benefits of owning a car, without any of the hassle!
Earn money by signing up as a Bolt driver. Learn more

Advantages of Bolt Drive

Whether you need a car for your commute, a weekend getaway or just getting around town — car-sharing is a great, low-cost option.

Pay for the distance travelled and rental time — we handle everything else. Fuel, parking and insurance are all included in the hire fee!


Bolt Drive cars are available 24/7, so you don't need to plan ahead. Hire a car for as short or long as you need it — minutes, hours, or days!

Quick and easy
Quick and easy

Our vehicles are available all over the city. If you need short-term car hire, find and unlock a car with your Bolt app, get in and go!

How to rent a Bolt Drive car

How to rent a Bolt Drive car

  1. Upload your driving licence
    Complete your verification — all you need is a valid driving licence and a payment card.
    *Drivers must be over 20-years of age and have held a valid driving licence for at least 1 година.
  2. Find a Bolt Drive car
    Find a car on the street or locate one using the map in your Bolt app.
  3. Unlock with your Bolt app
    Use the Bolt app to unlock the car and start your rental. (You’ll find the keys in the car.)
  4. Parking is covered within the operational zone
    When you park within the operational zone in the city, parking is covered. Please always make sure to follow local traffic regulations.

There's a Drive for everything

Small cars, electric, SUVs, vans — whatever you need a vehicle for, choose Bolt Drive!
*Car categories may differ by country
Отговорен партньор на местните власти

Top car rental questions

How much does Bolt Drive cost? Do I need to pay for fuel?

Bolt Drive car rental prices start from as low as €0.13 per minute and you only pay for the time you use the car and the km travelled. You can use the car for a minute, an hour or for days, if you like. The rental fee also includes free fuel, free parking and free car insurance!

Всички наши автомобили са снабдени с автоматична трансмисия без допълнителна такса. Конкретната марка и моделът на автомобила под наем зависят от наличността. Типовете наши автомобили включват: малки, електрически, средни и премиум, както и SUV автомобили и ванове. Проверете в приложението кои са наличните за наемане автомобили наблизо.

Просто платете в своето приложение на Bolt, както бихте направили за пътуване с автомобил или скутер на Bolt (кредитна/дебитна карта или Apple Pay).

Once you find the car you’d like to rent, simply tap on the button in your Bolt app to unlock the vehicle and start driving!

Once you unlock the car with your Bolt app, you’ll find the car keys inside the car.

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