Viatja de "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market" en VTC o taxi
Et recomanem que triïs el servei de transport sota demanda de Bolt si busques el millor preu per a anar a Opolo Market. Amb Bolt, el trajecte sol fer-se en 8 minuts i costa aproximadament 1708.40 NGN. Sigui l'ocasió que sigui, trobarem el vehicle perfecte per a tu.
Preguntes més freqüents
Quina és la manera més assequible d'anar de "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market"?
La forma més assequible per a anar de "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market" és en Bolt. El trajecte sol costar aproximadament 1708.40 NGN.
Quina distància hi ha entre "Opolo Market" i "Mechanic Village"?
"Opolo Market" es troba a uns 3.8 km de "Mechanic Village".
Quant es triga a anar de "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market"?
Es triga uns 8 minuts a anar de "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market" en Bolt.
Quant costa anar de "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market"?
El cost del viatge de "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market" en Bolt és d'aproximadament 1708.40 NGN.
Viatges des de: Mechanic Village
Revisa trajectes populars des de Mechanic Village fins a altres punts de Yenagoa.
De "Mechanic Village" a "Egbedi Creek"
De "Mechanic Village" a "De Moon"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Bayelsa state secretariat . Promot Office"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Big Brother Bayelsa"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Ekeki Motor Park"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Kimiowei Filling Station"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Yeneagoa Hospital and Maternity"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Federal University of Otuoke"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Bayelsa Tower Hotel and Convention Centre"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Bayelsa Medical University"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Igbogene Field"
De "Mechanic Village" a "New Life Baptist Church"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Kingdom hall of Jehovah's witnesses"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Overcomers Christain Mission"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Niger Delta University"
Viatges a: Opolo Market
Revisa trajectes populars a Opolo Market des d'altres punts de Yenagoa.
De "Bayelsa Medical University" a "Opolo Market"
De "Bayelsa state secretariat . Promot Office" a "Opolo Market"
De "Bayelsa Tower Hotel and Convention Centre" a "Opolo Market"
De "De Moon" a "Opolo Market"
De "Egbedi Creek" a "Opolo Market"
De "Ekeki Motor Park" a "Opolo Market"
De "Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa" a "Opolo Market"
De "Federal University of Otuoke" a "Opolo Market"
De "Igbogene Field" a "Opolo Market"
De "Kimiowei Filling Station" a "Opolo Market"
De "Kingdom hall of Jehovah's witnesses" a "Opolo Market"
De "Matho Crystal Hotel" a "Opolo Market"
De "Mechanic Village" a "Opolo Market"
De "New Life Baptist Church" a "Opolo Market"
De "Niger Delta University" a "Opolo Market"
De "Overcomers Christain Mission" a "Opolo Market"
De "White Eagle Hotel" a "Opolo Market"
De "Yeneagoa Hospital and Maternity" a "Opolo Market"