Viatja de "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV" en VTC o taxi
Et recomanem que triïs el servei de transport sota demanda de Bolt si busques el millor preu per a anar a DSTV. Amb Bolt, el trajecte sol fer-se en 27 minuts i costa aproximadament 3596.60 NGN. Sigui l'ocasió que sigui, trobarem el vehicle perfecte per a tu.
Preguntes més freqüents
Quina és la manera més assequible d'anar de "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV"?
La forma més assequible per a anar de "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV" és en Bolt. El trajecte sol costar aproximadament 3596.60 NGN.
Quina distància hi ha entre "DSTV" i "Command Secondary School"?
"DSTV" es troba a uns 16.8 km de "Command Secondary School".
Quant es triga a anar de "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV"?
Es triga uns 27 minuts a anar de "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV" en Bolt.
Quant costa anar de "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV"?
El cost del viatge de "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV" en Bolt és d'aproximadament 3596.60 NGN.
Viatges des de: Command Secondary School
Revisa trajectes populars des de Command Secondary School fins a altres punts de Zaria.
De "Command Secondary School" a "Kaduna - Rigasa Station"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Alkali Stores"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Department of Microbiology"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Kawo Motor Park"
De "Command Secondary School" a "General Hospital Sabontasha Kaduna Majalisa Street Sabontasha Kaduna"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Kaduna Rugby Club"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Mechanics"
De "Command Secondary School" a "UNICEF"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Nigerian Army Reference Hospital"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Babban Saura Primary Health Center"
De "Command Secondary School" a "A. Y Global"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Chinese Restaurant"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Holiday Conference Hotel"
De "Command Secondary School" a "National Hospital Abuja No4mm Lawal Jafaru Isa Road"
De "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Koron Tsohuwa Primary Health Care"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Kaduna Golf Course"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Bayan Dutse Primary Health Care"
De "Command Secondary School" a "Nigerian Air Force officers mess"
Viatges a: DSTV
Revisa trajectes populars a DSTV des d'altres punts de Zaria.
De "A. Y Global" a "DSTV"
De "Alkali Stores" a "DSTV"
De "Babban Saura Primary Health Center" a "DSTV"
De "Bayan Dutse Primary Health Care" a "DSTV"
De "Chinese Restaurant" a "DSTV"
De "Command Secondary School" a "DSTV"
De "Department of Microbiology" a "DSTV"
De "General Hospital Sabontasha Kaduna Majalisa Street Sabontasha Kaduna" a "DSTV"
De "Holiday Conference Hotel" a "DSTV"
De "Kaduna - Rigasa Station" a "DSTV"
De "Kaduna Golf Course" a "DSTV"
De "Kaduna Rugby Club" a "DSTV"
De "Kawo Motor Park" a "DSTV"
De "Koron Tsohuwa Primary Health Care" a "DSTV"
De "Mechanics" a "DSTV"
De "National Hospital Abuja No4mm Lawal Jafaru Isa Road" a "DSTV"
De "Nigerian Army Reference Hospital" a "DSTV"