Bolt in Lutsk

Bolt in Lutsk

Lutsk is the administrative center and the largest city in Volynska oblast, historical & cultural core of Volyn. Undoubtedly, the main tourist attraction is Liubart Castle (or Upper Castle). This fortification on the river Styr was founded in 1340 by duke Liubart-Dmytro Hedyminovych, the last ruler of Halytsko-Volynska state. The Okolnyi (Lower) Castle with Chartoryiska tower also preserved here. However, these are not the only architectural attractions of the city! Have a look at the Holovan House (a.k.a. «Lutskyi House with Chimeras») – a unique monument of our time, decorated with many bas-reliefs & sculptures. Lutheran Kirche is a neo-Gothic church built in 1907, which definitely deserves attention. Also take a walk along the central Lesya Ukrainka str., visit Book Museum and the Kosach House, heading for building «А» of Volyn National University n.a. Lesya Ukrainka, located on Volia avenue.

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