Order Pickup information

When you have selected the Pickup method, you will have to fetch the order from the restaurant. 

Once your order has been accepted by the restaurant, you will be provided with an estimated collection time. Please make arrangements to arrive at the restaurant within 90 minutes of the estimated preparation time. Hereafter, for food safety reasons, the restaurant may cancel the order and dispose of the meal. Please note that you are still responsible for making payment for the order and Bolt may charge your card with the value of the full order. 

If you anticipate that you will not collect your order during this time frame, please contact the restaurant to inform them of this. 

Note: Please check your order once you have received it to ensure that it meets the expected food presentation and quality. If there are any issues, please address these with the provider before leaving the location.

It is not possible to rate a pickup order in-app. 

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Your favourite food, delivered fast.