Bolt driver Suzanne: I always think about everybody as a VIP

26 Mar 2021

Meet our Bolt drivers Suzanne 2

We’re continuing our series introducing some of the awesome women who move us. Meet Suzanne, a former employee for an IT company who became a full-time driver two years ago.  

When Suzanne isn’t gardening in her backyard or enjoying scary rides in theme parks (before COVID-19 hit), you’ll find her on the road driving her Mercedes Class S. As a former employee for an IT company, she often had to drive long hours as part of her job. Suzanne wanted a change, she didn’t hesitate to start driving full-time. “I’ve always loved driving, and there was a lot of driving as part of my previous job, so it was a natural progression. I just love it, and it’s an easy way to work. “ 

What she loves the most about driving with Bolt is the flexibility and freedom to schedule her time and be her own boss. “I have the freedom to go online and offline whenever I want”. Living near Pinewood studios, she found a regular client base — Pinewood Studio workers, health care workers and young couples, mostly. “Often, when I arrive to pick up young couples, they tend to believe they mistakenly ordered a Bolt Executive and got an upgraded ride for a special occasion. They really love it, and it’s nice to be able to provide those treats.”

Bolt Driver Suzanne

“I always think that everybody who gets into the car is a VIP.”

No matter who gets into Suzanne’s car, she makes sure to provide a 5-star service. “I always think that everybody who gets into the car is a VIP, so I treat everybody the same no matter who they are and try to give them a perfect service.” Her dedication to customers and people took her all the way from Heathrow to Pembrokeshire. “I picked up a gentleman arriving from Egypt, who arrived on a flight to Heathrow. I then took him out to Pembrokeshire on the Welsh coast.” 

When we asked if she had any recommendations for other drivers, she shared with a communicative smile, “just take it easy on the road, don’t get stressed, and you will really enjoy it”. She would also encourage women to try and not hesitate if they have the opportunity. “Being a woman driver is still questioned, but if you enjoy driving, you’ll love it.” 

Watch Suzanne’s interview 

If you love driving and being your own boss like Suzanne (and are searching for a way to make some extra money), sign up today and start your journey as a Bolt driver.

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