Bolt driver Victor: I thought I’d give it a go and haven’t stopped since.

5 Aug 2021

Victor’s what we call an early adopter. Eager to try new things, he decided to become a Bolt Driver when we launched in the UK (after a long career in IT). “The Bolt app appealed to me right away. I thought it was something new and fresh, and I was drawn to this new opportunity. I thought I’d give it a go and haven’t stopped since!”

From the start, Victor paid close attention to the app’s development. “It’s constantly evolving and improving, so that’s great. Of course, there are hurdles in every industry, but Bolt has been receptive in looking at our concerns. So on that front, they’ve been very welcoming.”

Victor loves new technologies, but that’s not all. When not behind the wheel, you’ll find Victor cycling around the city, walking, or dancing!

“Cleaner air, that’s what it’s all about.”

We wanted to learn more about Victor’s recent switch to an electric vehicle. His main reason was to reduce daily emissions. “Cleaner air, that’s what it’s all about, clean air.” He decided to take action and made the switch without hesitation. 

Switching to electric vehicles saves both the environment and money! You don’t need to pay for fuel, and there are plenty of discounts and incentives available, such as tax cuts, no congestion charge, and no ultra-low emission charges. 

Too good to be true? 

A common concern when switching to electric vehicles is how often you need to charge a car, and where. We asked Victor to tell us more about his own experience. He said that he has a charging point at home but also uses express chargers at supermarkets and petrol stations. Alternatively, he also shared that a standard 13-volt socket at home could work too.


Afraid of running out of battery? Victor also shared his top tips for peace of mind. 

  • Make sure you know your car’s capacity;
  • Get familiar with charging points in the city just as you would with petrol stations;
  • Log in to different apps – we can recommend  Zap-map, PlugShare, Pod point.

Feel like hitting the road?

We asked Victor about the greatest benefits of driving professionally with Bolt.

“You can choose your hours and schedule your days as you need. Whichever walk of life you’re in, whether you want to drive part-time or full-time, it’s convenient and flexible! ”

If you’re ready to choose your hours and earn flexibly, download the Bolt driver app and sign up today!

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