Peace of mind for journeys ahead: The Bolt and Matrix iQ CCTV Partnership

17 Jun 2024

In the UK, Bolt is launching a partnership with Matrix iQ to enhance driver safety by helping drivers access cost-effective dash cameras. View the special offer here.

Affordable and user-friendly CCTV is here. As you requested.

We regularly meet with drivers all over the UK to discuss safety, and CCTV is often the top solution suggested by drivers. On the subject, questions range on cost, installation requirements, data handling and specific requirements that councils may have. From the driver’s point of view there is a lot to consider when it comes to obtaining CCTV. This partnership with Matrix iQ aims to help drivers access cost-effective dashcam packages and cut through uncertainty when it comes to owning and operating a camera unit as a private hire driver.

How does the partnership work? 

With Matrix iQ, you can get a CCTV package that’s affordable to own and easy to operate. And as a Bolt driver, you’ll get a discount.

The Matrix iQ team will help you with the following:

  • Installation for councils which require hardwired systems
  • Camera I.T support 
  • Data support such as handling and processing
  • Flexible payment plans

The partnership is being supported by iRevolution Group with its claims management services and additional taxi tailored insurance products.

What camera can I get?

Most Bolt drivers will be able to buy the Cam iQ unit. However, some councils may require a different camera based on their licensing requirements.

The Cam iQ has the following features for extra security while driving: 

  • External camera can assist drivers with proving liability in the case of a collision.
  • Driver-facing camera helps prevent safety incidents and provide evidence for drivers should claims from passengers arise.

Additionally, the Cam iQ is equipped with the following:

  • Data Storage – The data is stored remotely in the cloud and can be reviewed using a designated app. Cameras can capture up to 31 days of driving footage, facilitating a review of historical events as well as footage uploaded when triggered by the panic button being pressed.

The Cam iQ has the following features:

  • You can store up to 31 days of footage in the cloud and view it in a special app. 
  • SOS button will immediately upload the recent footage to the cloud.
  • Auto-generated alerts via crash detection sensors issue timely First Notice of Loss (FNOL) alerts.

How much will it cost?

The total price of your camera package will depend on your licensing area. Some cities allow drivers to install CCTV themselves, while others require help from an accredited installer. Matrix iQ will help you find a local installer. 

However, most cities allow self-installation, which includes a one-off hardware purchase of £69 and a monthly subscription for £11.99. You can learn more about pricing and installation options after visiting Matrix IQ’s website and entering your details. 

How do I order the CCTV unit?

Before Bolt drivers can install dash cams into their vehicles you’ll want to do the following:

  1. Register with the ICO and get an ICO number: 

Drivers must be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and pay a data protection fee. This must be completed before you purchase a camera to ensure you remain compliant. You’ll then receive an ICO number, which will allow you to purchase your camera.

  1. Select your licensing authority 

As a driver you will be asked to select the licensing authority that licensed your private hire vehicle – the available camera unit and exact price will depend on the licensing area and local requirements. 

  1. Submit driver details 

Please provide your vehicle registration number so Matrix iQ can verify the licensing authority before dispatching your camera unit. 

If the local regulations allow you to install the camera yourself, Matrix iQ will send you everything you need. And if the regulations require professional assistance, Matrix iQ will call you to arrange everything.  

It’s as simple as that. As a Bolt driver, you can order a CCTV solution by clicking on the following bespoke webpage on the Matrix iQ website here

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