Passenger made a mess in my vehicle in the UK

Private Hire drivers

Please submit a Price Review and report a mess or damage made immediately before beginning the next trip and provide the following information:

  • At least three clear photos of the stains. The images should contain the timestamp and show the closeup and the zoomed out picture of the mess.
  • Ride details and a short description of the situation.

After the stain is cleaned, also send us a photo of the receipt for the service that includes:

  • The name and details of the car cleaning company
  • The services provided (i.e. car-cleaning) and the cost of service.

Our team will review the report and follow up with the request. In some cases, Bolt may issue compensation. Please note that compensation requests that were not reported as described above will be declined. 

Black Cab drivers

If passenger made a mess in your vehicle and you need to take it for cleaning, you should:

  • Add the fee to your metered fare.

If there are any issues with updating the metered fare, submit a Price Review.

When contacting our team, provide the following information: 

  • Take clear photos of the stains. The images should contain the timestamp and show the closeup and the zoomed out picture of the mess.
  • Ride details and a short description of the situation

Our team will review the report and follow up with the request. In some cases, Bolt may issue compensation for soiling fees based on the fares that are regulated by Transport of London. Please note that compensation requests that were not reported as described above will be declined. 

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.