Ashfield document requirements

Drivers who are licensed by Ashfield District Council must provide the documents listed below to be considered for driving on the Bolt platform.

Please follow carefully the instructions to have your documents successfully reviewed for account activation:

DVLA Driving licence


  • Must be a photograph of the front of the current UK DVLA Plastic Driving Licence
  • Must be a full licence, not provisional
  • Address (including postcode) must match with your Combined HC/PH Driver licence

DVLA Check Code


  • Must be generated on the government webpage or by calling the DVLA
  • Must be a combination of letters and numbers exactly as shown on the webpage - the code is case-sensitive (please underline the capital letters if you are copying the code)

Hackney Carriage Driver Badge


  • Must be issued by Ashfield District Council
  • Must be a clear photograph of the original document
  • Must be a valid Hackney Carriage Driver badge

Combined HC or PH Driver Licence (HCL)


  • Must be issued by Ashfield District Council
  • Must be a clear photograph of the full, original document
  • Address (including postcode) must match with your UK Plastic Driving Licence

Hackney Carriage Licence (HCV)


  • Must be issued by Ashfield District Council
  • Must be a clear photograph of the entire page
  • Must be a valid Hackney Carriage Licence

MOT Test Certificate


  • Must be your most recent MOT test certificate
  • The certificate must state "Pass" or "Pass with defects"
  • MOT issue date must be within 6 months from the test last taken
  • Required for all vehicles over 3 years of age

Hire and Reward Insurance Certificate

  • The insurance policy must cover Public Hire/ Hackney Carriage use of the vehicle
  • We can accept a certificate or cover note, providing it does not have any typos in your name
  • Insurance documents with time restrictions on coverage are not accepted
  • An insurance supporting document must be provided if your insurance document does not specify your name or vehicle details

Bank statement

  • Must be for the same account that you will receive your Bolt payments to
  • The account must be in your name
    • We accept only personal bank details (including joint personal accounts)
  • The address, sort code and account number must be visible
  • The statement must not be over 3 months old
    • This can be shown as an issue date or as a date of a transaction
  • The financial details of the transactions can be excluded from the statement (cropped or blurred out)

Profile picture

  • Visible to clients on Bolt passenger App
  • Matches the requirements:
    • Your face is centred in the frame
    • Nobody else is in the frame
    • The image is not blurry
    • Please do not wear a hat or sunglasses (eyeglasses and religious garments are accepted)
    • The photo is taken in good lighting (try facing a light source, like a lamp or window)
    • The image is taken against a solid background
    • The photo is taken with the camera at eye level

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.