Editing account details

In the Company Dashboard, you can change the company’s account information and your personal account details. For instructions on how to edit specific information, please see the relevant section below:

Company’s legal information

In the Settings tab under Company details, you can see the company’s legal information and change the VAT number. To change any locked information, please get in touch with our Support team by opening the Support section.

The main contact person and email

The main contact person and email for legal and payment updates can be changed in the Settings tab under the Notifications section.

Note: The main contact person has to be listed as one of the administrators.

Administrator’s personal account details

Only administrators can edit their own account details, including name, email and phone number. To do that, click on your name at the bottom of the sidebar menu.

The recipient email for monthly statements and invoices

You can add and edit monthly statement and invoice email recipients in the Billing tab, click on Statements and recipient(s).

Unsubscribing from news

To unsubscribe from receiving:

  • Emails: Click the Unsubscribe link at the end of the email
  • SMS: Respond to the text message with STOP

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