In case you are experiencing issues with your company’s business payment method, please check the relevant instructions below:
Postpaid billing
Review your company’s payments:
- With 2 and more unpaid invoices, your company’s business payment method will be disabled on the last day of the month. Your users won’t have access to the business payment method until the debt is settled.
- Find more information in the article Company billing
Check if your company has enough remaining credit:
- Open the Billing tab
- Compare the current spend with the available credit limit under Summary
- If you need more than the remaining amount to place an order and you would like to change your credit limit, follow the instructions in the Credit limit article.
- If the remaining amount is enough to make an order, please contact our Support team.
Credit card billing
Review your company’s payments:
- Ensure your latest monthly payment was successful
- If there is a failed payment, please find further instructions in the Company billing article under the section Failed payments
- If there is no failed payment, please try ordering again. If the issue persists, contact our Support team through the Support tab.