Bolt in Braga

Bolt in Braga

Braga is a city and a municipality in the northwestern Portuguese district of Braga, in the historical and cultural Minho Province. Portugal’s third-largest city is an elegant town laced with ancient narrow lanes closed to vehicles, strewn with plazas and a splendid array of baroque churches.

Available services in Braga

Find out more about the services we currently offer across the city.
Bolt Rides

Bolt Rides

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Bolt is the safe, reliable ride-hailing service available at the tap of a button. Order a ride and get picked up by a top-rated driver in more than 600 cities worldwide.

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Available services in Braga

Get around fast and affordably with Bolt.
service Economy icon
The most affordable way to move
0.86€ base
0.52€ km + 0.09€ min
3.50€ minimum
service Bolt icon
Standard cars, everyday rides
1.15€ base
0.62€ km + 0.10€ min
3.50€ minimum
service Premium icon
High-quality cars to arrive in style
1.27€ base
0.68€ km + 0.11€ min
4.25€ minimum
service Van icon
A 6-seater, perfect for larger groups
2.60€ base
1.15€ km + 7.0€ min
6.0€ minimum
service XL icon
Big cars, big groups
2.40€ base
1.05€ km + 6.0€ min
5.50€ minimum

The maximum passenger capacity may be lower than mentioned in the category descriptions.

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