If you want to make some extra money signing up as a Bolt driver might be a good place to start. To make use of our platform you have to meet a few requirements:
- Be at least 21 years of age
- Have a valid driver's license
- Have a valid taxi license with a valid P-Number ↗. You can find more information on how to apply for a taxi license on the Kiwa Register page ↗.
- Have a valid driver card
- Have your car registered for taxi purposes
- Make sure that your car meets the Vehicle requirements in the Netherlands ↗
- Make sure your car is legally insured
- Make sure you have an MOT approved car
Do you meet the above requirements and do you want to get started as soon as possible? Visit our Bolt partner site and sign up!
During the registration process, you can upload all documents and enter your personal data. We will then process your application as soon as possible.
We wish you all the best as a Bolt driver.