Accessibility category in Portugal

The Accessibility category was created in an effort to provide a better service to people with any sort of disability. For this purpose, drivers in this category have gone through training provided by Associação Portuguesa de Deficientes.

However, passengers with disabilities are not limited to requesting rides only in the Accessibility category and can order a ride from any category.

If you need adapted transport, here is a list of providers prepared by Associação Salvador:

Lisbon Metropolitan Area

Autocoope (Adapted taxi)

AventuraTrans (Private transport)

Carris (Public road transport)

FERTAGUS (Public rail transport)

Jorge Alves Táxis (Adapted taxi)

Retalis - Rádio Táxis (Adapted taxi)

Taxi Autonomy (Adapted taxi)

Táxis Arga (Adapted taxi)

  • 933 148 052

Táxis Belchior (Adapted taxi)

  • 962 702 272

Táxis Manuel João Almeida (Adapted taxi)

  • 964 092 989

Táxis Torres Novas (Adapted taxi)

Teletáxis (Adapted taxi)

Transporte Municipal (Public road transport)

  • 213 944 348 / 50

Vital Táxis (Adapted taxi)

  • 966 227 786


Metro do Porto (Public rail transport)

STCP (Public road transport)

Táxi Mobil (Adapted taxi)

  • 916 380 048

Táxis Pinheiro, Lda (Adapted taxi)

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

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Request in seconds, ride in minutes.