Tax credentials information for Portugal

From January the 1st 2023, all sellers have to provide their tax credentials to Bolt so we could issue legal and fiscal invoices on your behalf. 

Please create your tax credentials by following these steps::

  • Go to the Tax Authority website
  • Search for ‘Gestão de utilizadores’ (user management) in the search box
  • Click on Aceder (access) in the search results next to Gestão de utilizadores
  • Click on ‘Criar um novo utilizador’ (create new user)
  • Fill in Nome (name), Senha (password), and under 'Operações Autorizadas’ (authorized operations) click
  • WFA - Comunicação de dados de faturas
  • CGS - Comunicação e gestão de séries
  • WDT - Webservice de comunicação de documentos de transporte
  • WSE - Comunicação e Gestão de Séries por webservice
  • Save ‘Utilizador’ (username) and ‘Senha’ (password)
  • Provide saved credentials to Bolt
  • Ride-hailing Fleet owners
  • Log in to the Fleet Owner portal
  • Navigate to Company info
  • Insert your Username and Password into the Tax Credentials section and click save.
  • Courier fleets

If you have already previously obtained the credentials from the Tax Authority, please create new ones by following the process above.

If you have any questions, please contact Support.

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.