Bolt in Bila Tserkva

Bolt in Bila Tserkva

Bila Tserkva – is the district center and the largest city of Kyivshchyna, located 80 km south of the capital on the river Ros. First of all, widely known because of state NASU dendrological park «Oleksandriia» (architecturally decorated landscape park with an area of over 400 hectares). Also definitely noteworthy: Bilotserkivskyi local history museum (contains a significant collection of monuments of material & spiritual culture of the Southern Kyivshchyna area), Branicki Winter Palace (built in 1796), st. John the Baptist Roman Catholic church (built in 1816, now used as а organ & chamber music hall) and BRUM (complex of trade rows, a striking example of the architecture of classicism of the late XIX century).

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