Bolt in Mukachevo

Bolt in Mukachevo

Mukachevo is the center of raion of the Zakarpatska oblast, located on the Latorytsia river. It ranks 2nd in terms of economic potential and population (>85k people) among the settlements of the Uzhhorodska agglomeration. Without exaggeration, it can be described as an ancient city (first mention of its existence in distant 896 is contained in the «Gesta Hungarorum» chronicle; Magdeburg Law was received in 1445). First of all, its worth seeing architecture of the city: neo-Gothic town hall with a chime clock in its tower (built in 1904), Schönborn stone palace (another name – «Rákóczi’s White House»; XVII century) and St. Martin Cathedral church with an organ. In addition, you simply have no right to miss «Zamok Palanok» («Mukachevskyi Castle») – a unique monument of medieval architecture, built on a mountain of volcanic origin 68 m high (fortification covers an area of 13.93 sq. km).

Mukachevo – miestas, kuriame teikiame savo paslaugas.

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Mukačeve teikiamos paslaugos

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Mukachevo: populiariausi maršrutai

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