Bolt in Greater Manchester

Bolt in Greater Manchester

Learn more about our services in Greater Manchester. Bolt is available in 600+ cities worldwide!

Available services in Greater Manchester

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Przejazdy Bolt

Przejazdy Bolt

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Available services in Greater Manchester

Z Bolt Twoje miejskie przejazdy będą wygodne i niedrogie.
service Scheduled Ride icon
Scheduled Ride
Schedule Rides in Advance
£2.47 (standard) - £3.40 (executive) Opłata startowa
£1.38 (standard) - £1.80 (executive) mila + £0.20 (standard) - £0.36 (executive) min.
£20.00 (standard) - £27.50 (executive) minimum
service Bolt icon
Samochody na co dzień
£1.80 (Off peak) - £2.45 (Peak) Opłata startowa
£1.05 (Off peak) - £1.20(Peak) mila + £0.11 (Off peak) - £0.15(Peak) min.
£4.96 (Off peak) - £5.45 (Peak) minimum
service Comfort icon
Więcej przestrzeni i wygoda
£2.10 (Off peak) - £2.90 (Peak) Opłata startowa
£1.20 (Off peak) - £1.40(Peak) mila + £0.13 (Off peak) - £0.18(Peak) min.
£5.70 (Off peak) - £6.30 (Peak) minimum
service Executive icon
Samochody premium i wysoka jakość usług
£4.80 Opłata startowa
£1.85 mila + £0.19 min.
£7.20 minimum
service XL icon
Duże samochody dla grup
£4.3 (Off peak) - £4.70 (Peak) Opłata startowa
£1.90 (Off peak) - £2.05 Peak) mila + £0.15 (Off peak) - £0.16(Peak) min.
£6.50 (Off peak) - £6.8 (Peak) minimum

Rates shown are base rates only. These are not indicative of the final price. There may be slight variations on final price based on traffic conditions, dynamic pricing and other factors.

Peak Hours: 07:00 - 08:59 Monday - Friday; 22:00 - 23:59 Friday; 00:00 - 04:59, 20:00 -23:59 Saturday - Sunday

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Port lotniczy w Greater Manchester

Zastanawiasz się, jak dostać się z Manchester Airport do miasta Greater Manchester, lub jak dostać się z Greater Manchester na lotnisko?

Zamawiaj przejazdy na lotnisko i z lotniska do miasta Greater Manchester kilkoma kliknięciami. Sprawdź inne lotniska w Greater Manchester
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