Feature access requirements

At Bolt we strive to help connect the right riders with the right drivers so that everyone’s expectations are met.

We recognise that when riders demand a higher standard of service, drivers deserve higher fares. Likewise, we also sometimes limit driver access to premium features and categories where this makes sense.

This page sets out driver access requirements that apply to premium categories and features that are not accessible to all drivers as standard. Requirements may vary by market. Please review the driver app for further information. If you have any queries you can contact our customer service team in-app.

Scheduled Rides

  • Riders who request scheduled rides want to get to their destination at a specific time and agree to pay a premium fare for the security of getting there. They also agree to pay higher cancellation fees.

  • These riders have higher expectations that their driver will arrive at the pick-up point and fulfil the service.

  • It can be distressing for a scheduled ride to be cancelled by a driver at short notice (for example, if passengers have a flight to catch).

  • Last minute cancellations may also create safety risks (for example, if a vulnerable passenger is left stranded).

The scheduled ride feature is therefore only available to drivers that:

  1. have completed a minimum number of rides via the Bolt platform;

  2. have been recently active in the pick-up area;

  3. do not have a history of cancelling rides after agreeing to fulfil them.

Bolt may also temporarily or permanently restrict access to this feature where repeatedly cancelled scheduled rides after agreeing to fulfil them. Any such decision will be made by Bolt on a case-by-case basis.

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.