Where can I finish the ride in Estonia

Check the map to confirm if you're located in an area where you will be able to finish your ride:

  • When zoomed out of the map, you'll see the main city borders and nearby town areas - you won't be able to finish a ride outside of these areas. You can finish the ride in:
    • Transparent areas free of charge
    • Grey zones with € icon for an additional charge.
  • When zoomed in, the red areas are the prohibited zones.

Please note that the allowed areas may differ for some vehicles, such as vans and convertibles.

Find a parking space in the allowed parking zone, check the local parking regulations, and safely park the vehicle. You can park free of charge in the following transparent areas:

You cannot end your trip in a parking area marked “Eraparkla”, or any other private parking area.

Make sure to close the windows, leave the keys in the cup holder, take your belongings, close the doors, and finish the ride in the app.

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.