What are the grounds for suspending or terminating your Bolt Account?

The main incidents or events that may lead to the suspension or termination of your Bolt account are as follows:

  • Failure to comply with any of the obligations arising from your contractual business relationship with Bolt (as established by our Terms and Conditions for Drivers), or laws and regulations applicable to you in the context of your professional activity
  • Denigration or damage to Bolt's image, reputation or business
  • A compelling reason provided by national law in compliance with European Union law that requires us to block your Bolt Account.
    • For example, we must comply with a court decision resulting in the impossibility or prohibition of exercising the activity of VTC driver
  • Offences such as these examples:
    • Unauthorised lending of your Bolt Account
    • Failure to hold the documents required by the Transportation Code or any other applicable regulation
    • Absence or loss of the qualifications and conditions of good repute necessary to provide the service of VTC driver or operator in accordance with the Transportation Code
    • Cases of violence committed against passengers, employees or partners of Bolt or any criminal offence committed against them
  • A passenger rating score of less than 4
  • An average cancellation rate of less than 50%.

In the event of suspicion of fraudulent activity, we reserve the right to suspend your Bolt account as a precautionary measure to investigate and review your case. Access to your Bolt account will be restored if these suspicions are ruled out.

If you do not agree with a decision of suspension or termination, you can make your observations in accordance with the rules of the Bolt Internal Complaints Handling System via in-app message or by sending an email to paris@bolt.eu. For more information, please refer to our Terms and Conditions for Drivers.

Below, you will find some useful links to get in touch with workers’ organisations which are recognised as representatives of the VTC driving activities sector.

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