Bolt’s Sustainability Policy
This policy is the cornerstone of Bolt’s on-going commitment to reduce our environmental footprint, enhance our responsibility and clarify our sustainability priorities.
The purpose of this policy is to establish Bolt’s commitment to minimising the footprint resulting from our operations in all areas of sustainability, with a primary focus on environmental and social impact.
This policy applies to all business operations and functions, including those situations where workers are required to work off-site
This policy applies to all business operations and functions, including those situations where workers are required to work off-site

This policy is Bolt’s high-level commitment to reduce our environmental footprint, enhance our social responsibility and to clarify our sustainability priorities.
Specific steps to reach these goals are outlined in the appropriate procedures within Bolt’s Integrated Management System.
Specific steps to reach these goals are outlined in the appropriate procedures within Bolt’s Integrated Management System.

The following management principles provide overarching governance for sustainability at Bolt:
- A commitment to lower our emissions, reduce our waste production and to find solutions on how we can be inherently sustainable in our business activities
- Compliance with the applicable regulatory framework related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals and obligations.
- Preferring suppliers who prioritise sustainability and have their own sustainability goals and objectives.
- Respecting the human rights of workers and other stakeholders both within Bolt’s own operations and also in all parts of Bolt’s supply chain.

- Respecting the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation in relation to workers’ rights.
- Promoting diversity and inclusion within our workforce and ensuring equal opportunities for all employees.
- The commitment to transparent reporting on sustainability initiatives, including progress towards metrics outlined in Bolt’s sustainability strategies.
- Engaging with stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, workers in the value chain and local communities, to gather feedback and ensure accountability.

In order to achieve these sustainability principles, Bolt will:
- Identify environment risks then eliminate or reduce the severity of those risks.
- Provide a management framework for achieving objectives outlined in this Policy and regularly assess its effectiveness to ensure continuous improvement.