About cash payments

You can pay for your Bolt Food order via cash on delivery when the courier arrives with your order. 

You can set your payment method before placing your order by selecting it in the Payments menu option or in the order Checkout screen. 

Before confirming the order, you will be asked to confirm that you have selected the payment method and acknowledge that change canbe left as a tip for the courier.

Please contact Support if your change has been added incorrectly or not at all. 


  • Please make sure that you have the correct cash amount to pay for your order; otherwise, the order may not be given to you.
  • Please pay for the order in local currency.
  • Delivery partners do not carry card terminals. Please make sure that you have hard cash to pay for your order.

Your favourite food, delivered fast.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Your favourite food, delivered fast.