If you choose to wash your car yourself instead of getting some professional help, here are 5 top tips. Sure, it sounds easy at first, but we’ve all seen the result of a car wash gone wrong. Here’s how to avoid going down that road.
Car wash tips for a spotless result
Choose the right soap
Your dish soap smashed through grease on your pots and pans, but it’s absolutely not meant for washing your car. Worst-case scenario, you’ll just rub off the wax and end up with a tired-looking paint job. Always use a soap that’s meant for a car wash, otherwise, your results may be more than a little underwhelming.
Use clean tools
If you’re not sure what the sponge in your hand has been used for previously, don’t start cleaning your car with it! If it has even the tiniest bits of dirt or grime somewhere on/in it, you may just scratch the paint on your car. Ouch!
Use the right amount of water
A proper car wash requires quite a lot of water, so have at least two buckets ready. To keep your sponge or cloth clean, rinse it regularly. After washing with soap, be sure to rinse your car with clean water.
Stick to the shade
You should never wash your car in direct sunlight. If the car is sat in the sun everything will dry up quickly and that will leave spots all over the paint and glass. If possible, choose a day with cloudy weather or find some shade to wash in.
Don’t forget to dry your car
After a proper car wash, you should always dry it to avoid leaving spots and smears. Choose a clean towel that’s not abrasive, you don’t want to ruin the paint job. A microfibre cloth is perfect for the job.

Looking for a discount on a professional car wash?
For Bolt driver-partners in Abuja you can get great discounts on car washes from our friends at Fresh Clean.
Simply reach out to them and let them know you’re an active driver-partner to be eligible for discounts on their services
Fresh Clean (up to 50% discounts) is located at Maitama Gardens (off IBB Way Maitama, 900271, Abuja).
Call: 0907 777 0163 or 0807 777 0263 for inquiries.
Car wash done? Now hit the road!
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