This is how you get maximum value out of Bolt Driver app

27 Feb 2019

Sometimes, it’s not just about getting the work done, it’s really about getting it done in the best way possible so that you can get maximum value out of what you do. Driving on Bolt, you can either be a driver who makes some money, or you can be a super driver with great earnings and amazing ratings.

Wondering how to be a super driver? Then the set of tips listed below are for you.

Customer Service is key

Going out of your way to make your rider feel comfortable, happy and safe goes a long way. From making them feel at home in your vehicle to asking them what radio station they would like to listen to or simply reading cues like knowing when a rider is in the mood to chat or not. These not so little details count, as riders usually give feedback after a trip.

Try to be as polite as possible, as being impolite is one of the main reasons drivers are given bad reviews on Bolt.

Don’t come off as rude when you drive, be attentive to your rider, offer help when you can and make sure your car is in great condition for every trip. Give the rider an experience that is deserving of a 5-star rating.

Drive smart

When you’ve been driving around for some time already, you most probably have noticed that there are busier and quieter times in traffic. You can see the morning and evening rush hours as the worst things in the world or you can see them as opportunities for maximizing your earnings. It’s a question of putting things into the right perspective, as more people needing a ride = more possibilities to earn as a driver via the Bolt app.

Don’t be picky with rides

Back-to-back rides help to reduce the waiting time between rides. This increases your earnings and efficiency. If your passenger has set a destination and you have enabled back-to-back rides, you’ll receive an incoming ride request while you’re on order and driving towards the set destination. When you complete the ride, you can proceed to the new pick-up location right away.

PS! Declining a back-to-back ride affects your Bolt driver activity score in the app, so make sure you’ll confirm the final destination with your driver before starting the journey. For disabling back-to-back rides, open the three stripes on the top right corner when you have accepted a ride and toggle the “Accept next ride” button to inactive.

In addition to allowing back-to-back rides, it’s only reasonable to accept all of the rides you are offered to accept. When you turn down a request just because you’re not a fan of the neighbourhood or don’t like the name of the rider, you reduce your own earnings. It’s worth knowing that rejecting rides will have an impact on your activity score. If 20% of the last 100 rides have been rejected, your account will automatically be blocked by the system.

Know what’s going on around you

Concerts with famous fill up the city with people, who need transport from one place to another. For you, days like these hand out great opportunities to earn money by driving the fans around town. Also, you can bring a little extra to the table with being the “Awesome driver who gave great recommendations on what to do and where to eat”, as big events like this are also a great tourist magnet. That will definitely score you a high Bolt driver rating afterwards in the app.

Also, be attentive to the weather. The rainy season will make people request for more rides and also increase the surge. So, turn on your app during these periods to get more rides and end up with more cash in your pocket.

Read the messages Bolt sends you via the app and email (hint: they talk about bonuses!)

If till now you thought Bolt spams drivers with no reason, then it’s time for a 180-degree opinion change.

When you want information that you can benefit from, then open and go through the messages you receive. Otherwise, you may miss out on insights about different bonuses and campaigns dedicated directly to you. And if you want to find out more about bonuses and campaigns, head to How to earn extra with weekly bonuses?

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