Drive your taxi with Bolt and increase your earnings.
Sign up to drive with Bolt.
Register as a Taxi Operator on the Bolt platform
Already have an account? Log in ↗
If you have multiple vehicles and drivers, sign up as a Fleet owner.
Why become a Taxi Operator on the Bolt platform?
Whether you want to drive for a few hours occasionally, want to reduce empty return trips or want to earn money more frequently, with Bolt you can fit driving around your schedule.
Drive and earn when you like
No compromise, increase your income when you want, or make more money by driving more frequently. It’s up to you.
Easy to use app and weekly payouts
Weekly payouts are made to your bank account of choice. No subscription fees, you’ll only pay commission on your earnings.
Connect with millions of customers
Bolt gives you access to millions of passengers in Portugal and many more worldwide.
Get started
1. Sign up online
Tell us which city you’d like to drive. Submit your contact details and follow the registration steps.
Apply to drive2. Upload your taxi driver documents
You’ll need to share your driver documents with us and wait for our contact on the next steps.
3. Upload your taxi car documents
You’ll need to share your taxi car documents, be approved and start driving with us.

How the Bolt Driver app works
Easy to use and reliable, the Bolt Driver app gives you everything you need to drive and earn whenever you want to.
Accept a ride request
The Bolt Driver app will automatically find passengers for you.Pick up your passenger
The app will guide you to your passenger’s location. Once there, pick them up.Drive to their destination
Follow the directions to their destination and swipe to end the ride when you get there.Repeat to earn more money
Keep driving and earning or go offline — you’re always in full control of your schedule.
Frequently asked questions from drivers
How do I sign up to become a partner driver with Bolt as a Taxi?
Independently if you represent a taxi company or an individual taxi, you will need to register through our fleet owner portal, by clicking here. Follow the steps, submit your answer to this form ↗, and wait for further feedback from the team! Please keep in mind that verification of your registration can take up to 5 business days.
Where can I work with Bolt as a Taxi?
As a Taxi Driver, when using Bolt App, you'll be able to work along the national territory. Please note that when you are working outside the municipality registered on your taxi license, you can't stop in Taxi plazas.
Do I need a smartphone to drive with Bolt?
Yes. You will need a smartphone to use our “Bolt Driver” app. We suggest an Android model according to your possibilities.
How much do I have to pay Bolt?
We don’t have monthly fees. We will only deduct a commission fee of 25%, according to the trips done. For more information contact us at frotas@bolt-fleet.eu.
How do I get paid for becoming a partner driver with Bolt?
Weekly payments are done to the bank account you register on our Fleet Portal according to the fees calculated for the trips done, minus our commission.
What type of licensing and vehicles are eligible to drive in Bolt as Taxi?
The requirements for a Taxi vehicle to drive in Bolt are the same requirements for the regular Taxi service.
Ready to give Bolt a try?
It takes just 2 minutes to submit your information.