Bolt’s COVID-19 community guidelines

04 May 2020

Bolt’s COVID-19 community guidelines

With the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to protect both our drivers and passengers, our community guidelines have been developed to ensure that everyone using the Bolt platform has a safe and positive experience.

These guidelines help administer the interactions between passengers and drivers as we join forces to combat the pandemic and are based on directives from the Government and the Ministry of Transport. Please take a moment to read them:

  • Use of face masks: The use of face masks or an item covering your nose and mouth are mandatory for both drivers and passengers and must be worn before entering the vehicle. Read this article by the Centre for Disease Control to learn best practices for face mask use and how to make one yourself using materials you have at home.
  • Obeying level 1 directives:  The lockdown has been eased and drivers are operating throughout the day with no restrictions. You also no longer require a permit to move, even at night.
  • Social distancing on each ride: Maintaining appropriate social distance on every trip is critical to minimising contact. Passengers must use the back seat– ensuring there is sufficient space between all parties.

We also encourage passengers in Gauteng and Cape Town to use the Bolt Isolated ride-type. These vehicles have a protective plastic sheet installed between the front and rear seats to limit the airflow in the car between drivers and passengers.

  • Keeping the vehicle ventilated and air conditioning turned off: We understand that air conditioning can help create a more comfortable environment. However, keeping windows down will limit the airflow in the car cabin between the driver and riders — reducing the risk of infection and is a small price to pay for your health and safety.
  • Approved payment methods: With the risk of germs living on banknotes, we advise passengers to switch to an in-app payment method (debit/credit card) to reduce the amount of contact when paying.
  • Help keep one another safe: The coronavirus pandemic has taught us to look after one another. Wash your hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before getting into a Bolt vehicle and avoid touching surfaces in the car if you can help it. Keep your mask on at all times when riding. 

Drivers should ventilate and clean their vehicles regularly. See our blog post on how to thoroughly clean your car using household disinfectants.

Remember to stay home if you feel ill. There is also a 24-hour toll-free hotline – 0800 029 999 that you can phone for more information as well as a Whatsapp support channel you can join by saying “Hi” on 0600 123 456.

  • Discrimination: Discrimination or the refusal to provide services to a person on the basis of age, race or any other characteristic is not tolerated under our community guidelines. This said, drivers and passengers alike have the right to politely refuse to proceed on a trip should they suspect that either party has a respiratory illness.

We’re committed to ensuring your safety during these times and we expect everyone to do their part in keeping themselves and others safe.

Stay Safe!

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