Kā nokļūt no:

Vēlies uzzināt, kā visērtāk nokļūt no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Vienna City Beach? Iepazīsties ar mūsu pakalpojumiem un izvēlies Tavam braucienam piemērotāko brauciena veidu. Ērtības un izdevīgums — dažu klikšķu attālumā!

Izvēlies Bolt kopbraukšanas auto, lai veiktu braucienu no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Vienna City Beach

Izvēlies Bolt kopbraukšanas auto, lai veiktu braucienu no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Vienna City Beach

Ja vēlies izdevīgāko cenu, tad iesakām izvēlēties Bolt kopbraukšanas auto braucienam uz: Vienna City Beach. Ar Bolt ceļā pavadīsi aptuveni 24 minūtes, un tas Tev izmaksās aptuveni 34.30 GHS. Mūsu platformā ir dažādi auto visdažādākajiem dzīves brīžiem.

Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi

Kā vislētāk nokļūt no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Vienna City Beach?

Visizdevīgāk no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Vienna City Beach varēsi nokļūt, izvēloties: Economy, un tas Tev izmaksās aptuveni 34.30 GHS.

Vienna City Beach ir apmēram 10.2 km attālumā no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies.

Braucot no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Vienna City Beach un braucienu veicot ar: Economy, ceļā pavadīsi aptuveni 24 minūtes.

Brauciena cena no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Vienna City Beach, braucienu veicot ar: Economy būs aptuveni 34.30 GHS.

Braucieni no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies

Izpēti populārākos maršrutus, kurus klienti veic no: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz citiem galamērķiem šajā pilsētā: Takoradi.

No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Takoradi-Old Accra Bus Station
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Takoradi Technical University
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Vienna City Beach
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: School of Railways and Infrastructure Development
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Takoradi Mall
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Anaji Choice Mart
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Tarkwa Bus Station - Takoradi
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Holy Child College of Education
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Allan Beach Resort
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Effiakuma Bus stop
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Kwesimintsim Hospital
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Holy Child Health Centre Fijai
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Kojokrom
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Cape Coast Station
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: UMAT Essikado
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Adiembra Senior High School
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Sekondi Komfoase
No: Getfund Hall, TTU, School of Business and Management Studies uz: Anaji SSNIT Flat