Bolt at Cluj-Napoca Airport (CLJ)

Bolt at Cluj-Napoca Airport (CLJ)

Wondering how to get from Cluj-Napoca Airport to the city of Cluj-Napoca, or how to get from Cluj-Napoca to the airport? Request a ride to and from CLJ at the tap of a button.

Get a fast, affordable ride in minutes!

Wondering how to get to and from Cluj-Napoca Airport and the city of Cluj-Napoca? Well, worry no more! With just a simple tap of a button, you can easily request a ride to and from CLJ.
If Cluj-Napoca Airport is not the airport you are looking for, please choose your preferred airport here.
Get a ride wherever you are

With Bolt, you can request airport transportation from 100+ transport hubs around the world.

Fair and upfront pricing

Bolt rides are cheaper than a number of our competitors. You'll know how much your ride will cost before you request it. No surprises!

The same Bolt wherever you go

No matter where you travel, Bolt drivers will be there to give you a familiar fast and affordable ride to your destination.

How to get from Cluj-Napoca Airport with Bolt

How to get from Cluj-Napoca Airport with Bolt

  1. Otvorte aplikáciu Bolt a objednajte si jazdu
    Select your destination and choose the CLJ airport transportation option that suits you.
  2. Postupujte podľa pokynov v aplikácii
    The Cluj-Napoca Airport pickup points will be shown in the app. You may also see ride-hailing pickup signs at Cluj-Napoca Airport.
  3. Postupujte podľa pokynov v aplikácii
    Follow the directions in the app to reach the CLJ pickup location. Ensure the car colour, make and driver details match what’s in the app before getting into the car.

Available services in Cluj-Napoca

Pohybujte sa rýchlo a výhodne s Boltom.
service Protect icon
Stay safe with a protective sheet between you and the driver.
service Bolt icon
Bežné autá na každý deň
service Comfort icon
Priestranné a pohodlné autá
service Green icon
Environmentally-friendly rides.
service Delivery icon
Fast deliveries

Prices may vary based on traffic conditions, unforeseeable delays, discounts and other factors

Cluj-Napoca Airport ride FAQ

Bolt is available at CLJ airport! Get a fast, affordable and convenient ride to wherever you’re going.

Bolt pickup locations at CLJ airport may be subject to change. To check the best pickup location, open the Bolt app and request a ride.

Bolt prices to and from CLJ are always competitive but may vary based on traffic conditions, delays and other unforeseeable factors. Check the Bolt app to see the cost of your trip before you ride.

Bolt cars usually arrive in minutes! Exact pickup times may vary depending on your precise location, demand and other factors. Download the Bolt app to check the current pickup wait times.

Yes, Bolt can pick you up from CLJ airport. Simply open the Bolt app and request a ride. Going to a different airport? Get a fast, affordable ride to or from 100+ airports around the world.

You can check the final price of your trip in the Bolt app before requesting a ride, so there are no surprises! If you have any questions, please see our Help Centre.

Avram Iancu Cluj International Airport (CLJ) visitor information

For more information about the airport, check the CLJ website.


Avram Iancu Cluj International Airport (CLJ), or Cluj-Napoca Airport, operates out of a single terminal building which houses operations for both flight arrivals and airport departures.
For more information about the airport, visit Cluj-Napoca Airport website.


Cluj-Napoca – Obľúbené výlety

Spoznajte obľúbené trasy v meste Cluj-Napoca
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