Bolt in Kladno

Bolt in Kladno

We like Kladno - home city of our hockey legend with the number 68! Wherever you need to go, Bolt is here for you in a few minutes. Enjoy the perfect ride with few clicks. Ride smart and modern.

Available services in Kladno

Zistite viac o službách, ktoré v súčasnosti ponúkame v celom meste.
Jazdy Bolt

Jazdy Bolt

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Bolt is the safe, reliable ride-hailing service available at the tap of a button. Order a ride and get picked up by a top-rated driver in more than 600 cities worldwide.

Download the Bolt app for a comfortable ride to your destination.

Available services in Kladno

Pohybujte sa rýchlo a výhodne s Boltom.
service Bolt icon
Bežné autá na každý deň
service Comfort icon
Priestranné a pohodlné autá

Ride price is calculated upfront and it can not be changed during the ride.

Zarábajte s Boltom

Zarábajte s Boltom

Join our community of 4.5M+ Bolt partners around the world.

Set your own schedule and make money on your terms by driving and delivering.

Kladno – Obľúbené výlety

Spoznajte obľúbené trasy v meste Kladno
Kontaktujte nás

Kontaktujte nás

Bolt Business support
Registrácia nových vodičov
Company information

Company information

Pernerova 697/35, 186 00 Praha 8, Karlín
Právne ustanovenia
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