Bolt driver Alexandra: We’re just as qualified as everyone else

19 Mar 2021

Bolt Driver Alexandra

We’re continuing our series introducing some of the awesome women who move us. Meet Alexandra, a former controller for a chauffeur company who decided to get on the road four years ago.

No one could ignore Alexandra’s sense of humour when we met her. Her smile and positive energy filled the room in no time. After a few years in the chauffeur service industry as a controller, she decided to hit the road herself. We quickly understood why she made that shift — “one of my biggest hobbies is to drive”.

Alexandra has been driving professionally for four years and joined Bolt when we launched in London. When we asked about her longest trip, she answered “7 hours to Dundee and back!” That’s right — a 14-hour trip.

Despite her natural drive for her job, people are still surprised when she says she’s a professional driver. “People don’t believe me, even when I arrive at the pickup point. They often look twice at their phone and finally get in the car when they see my badge. I don’t know why!”. She added that her Tesla Model 3 often reinforces the surprise effect. 

For Alexandra, dedication is what makes for a good driver. “ It’s all about knowing that your job is not just driving from A to B. Especially during the pandemic. We have to be on the road and ensure safety not only for us but for every passenger. Things like disinfecting our cars after every ride make us good drivers.”

Bolt Driver Alexandra

No wonder Alexandra has a 5-star average rating. Here are some more of her top tips;

  • Pay attention to your customers — “help them if they need to get into the car, spot if they are in the mood for conversation or not” — small things make the difference. 
  • Try to make everyone’s day a bit better — “we never know what’s going on in people’s lives, so even if my day is not so good,  I will always smile”. 

“We’re just as qualified as everyone else!” 

In the UK, only 2% of private hire drivers are women, so we asked Alexandra if she had any recommendations for women who would like to become a driver. “Act like you own it because you do! We’re just as qualified as anyone else to do this job or any other job. If you like what you do, people will see it and respect you for it.” We could not agree more. 

If you love driving and being your own boss, and are searching for a way to make some extra money, sign up today and start your journey as a Bolt driver.

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