Bolt driver Dafina: I work when it suits me best

12 Sept 2019

bolt driver dafina, meet bolt london drivers

So, you’ve met Zsolt, Zahra, Omar, Arsalan and Claudia already. This time it’s we’re introducing you to Dafina, yet another awesome Bolt driver with a great story.

Passionate about living to the fullest

Dafina Sadiku has a warm and colourful personality to match the pink highlights in her hair. It’s no surprise to learn she loves theatre, music and London – especially the West End! Life in the UK is very different from the home Dafina fled in war-torn Kosovo in 1998. While she briefly returned from Montenegro as a UN Refugee Agency and USAID worker in 1999, she ultimately decided not to stay, arriving in London in 2001.

This Nissan Leaf driver has three passions and for 12 years in the UK she combined two of them – driving and teaching. The long hours as a driving instructor, however, meant she had little time for her third and most important passion – her two daughters.

“I work when it suits me.”

As a private hire driver, Dafina uses Bolt to work more when it suits her, and less when it doesn’t. Crucially, this allows her to spend more family time with her daughters. Together, they play basketball, visit museums, go to the park and watch concerts.

That’s not all. Dafina can even make room to study part-time for a degree in mathematics and hopes to put her maths skills to good use by combining them with her passion for teaching once she graduates.

Dafina is an explorer at heart. She would like to travel more and dreams of visiting places as far away as Australia and Cuba (via India!). There’s also a part of her that’s fond of the sun and snow of her native Kosovo. For this, Dafina returns to her roots at least once a year, when she spends time hiking, camping and swimming.

If you wish to have the same flexibility of combining work and free time as Dafina, we suggest you sign up as a Bolt driver.

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