Post-holiday grocery shopping tips with Bolt Market

Aug 23, 2023

Post-holiday groceries

The holidays are unforgettable — filled with joy, laughter, and pleasant memories.

But when you return to your routine, the reality’s often the following: an empty fridge and shelves and the inevitable post-holiday grocery run.

And that’s not all. Returning to a routine also means getting ready for early mornings, preparing school or work lunches, and planning dinners — all of which require a well-stocked kitchen.

But don’t worry; you can restock your home with just a few taps on your phone!

In this blog post, we’ll show you how Bolt Market can make post-holiday grocery shopping a breeze.

What is Bolt Market?

Bolt Market is an online store where you can meet your grocery needs in a few taps and get your items in minutes.

You can find 3,500+ products, from fresh produce and ready meals to household essentials.

Bolt Market order

Our delivery service provides both convenience and speed. You won’t have to wait in line or carry heavy items. Simply select your desired products, and we’ll handle the rest.

You can also track your order’s journey every step of the way — from the moment we receive it until the partner courier delivers it to you.

Bolt Market picks for your post-holiday groceries

When your head’s filled with holiday memories and excitement, figuring out what to order can sometimes be hard. 

And whether you need inspiration or just want to explore new ideas, we’re here to help. 

Ready meals & snacks

You may not have the energy, time, or motivation to cook when hungry. In such situations, instant and ready-made meals can prove to be lifesavers. 

They require minimal waiting time, and you’ll have a delicious meal with a quick heat-up.

Snacks are also excellent for quick, on-the-go bites paired with meals or enjoyed in between. They’re even convenient to pack for a long day at work or school.

Pantry staples

Pantry staples

The holidays are also often when some of us have a more relaxed approach to our finances.

And we’re not alone. 74% of Americans find higher-than-expected credit card bills after returning from a holiday.

Because of that, we may be more mindful of our spending when we return home.

Cooking at home can be a great way to do that and can benefit your wallet and body. 

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, people who cook at home tend to score better on the Healthy Eating Index.

Bolt Market offers everything you need to prepare a delicious and healthy meal — from meat, fish, and cheese to pantry staples, spices, and oils. 

Fresh produce 

Holidays are the perfect time to explore and try new, exciting food and drink. But as you settle back into your daily routine, it’s important to give your stomach some rest. 

Adding fresh fruit and vegetables to our meals is an excellent way to achieve this.

Fresh produce

Fresh produce is a crucial component of a healthy diet. Fruit and vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, fibre, and other nutrients for our well-being.

Not sure what to order? Apples, bananas, blueberries, and grapes are tasty and great for the body. And don’t forget about vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and spinach.

Water and cold beverages

Whether you managed to stay hydrated during your holiday or not, one fact remains true — your body needs hydration, and it’s never too late to start.

Fortunately, achieving this is easy  — water’s an excellent way to increase your hydration levels.

According to the NHS Eat Well guide, it’s recommended to drink 6–8 glasses of water per day. However, it’s important to consider your level of physical activity and overall health.

Try flavoured water if plain water is too dull for your taste buds — it’s equally refreshing and tastes great! 

And if you want to stay hydrated while getting some vitamins, you could go for some fresh juices and smoothies. But remember, while these options are hydrating and delicious, monitoring the sugar content is always a good idea. 

Hot beverages 

There’s nothing quite like a warm cup of tea, coffee, or cocoa to help you get into your daily routine.

They have a special place in our hearts for a reason — they energise us in the morning and help us unwind after a long day.

But that’s not all. Research shows that coffee and tea are linked to lower risks of stroke and dementia.

With Bolt Market at your service, you can pick your favourite flavours, types, and brands of hot beverages and enjoy every sip.

School & office supplies

Coming back from holidays also often means returning to work or school. During such times, running out of essential supplies can be frustrating.

But with Bolt Market, you won’t need to rely on your friends or colleagues for an extra pen, and there’s no need to rush to the store during busy mornings. 

Whether it’s pens, notebooks, printer paper, or other essentials, Bolt Market has everything you need.

Explore our wide range of office and school supplies and ensure you’re well-prepared for the tasks and assignments that lie ahead.

Household essentials

Household essentials-

Cleaning might not be the top item on your welcome-back list. Yet, sooner or later, the moment arrives when you just have to do it.

The great news is that you don’t have to rush to the store with a list of cleaning essentials and exhaust yourself carrying everything back.

Bolt Market has everything you need to keep your home neat and clean, from laundry gels to kitchen cleaning products. 

If you want to get your place sparkling clean, read our checklist for the best product recommendations and practical cleaning tips.

With a clean home, you can start your post-holiday on a fresh note!

Get back to the routine with Bolt Market!

As you return to your daily routine, let Bolt Market be your grocery shopping partner. 

Skip the long lines and heavy bags. Instead, take the opportunity to research your next holiday destination while we handle your shopping needs!

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