Get the best of Bolt with Bolt Plus

Get the best of Bolt with Bolt Plus

Join Bolt Plus to unlock the premium features of your Bolt app. Receive exclusive benefits like price protection, priority pick-ups, and much more!

Bolt Plus benefits

Get access to exclusive benefits that save you time and money.
Bolt Plus benefits
  • Price protection
    If ride prices increase due to high demand, your price will be capped, saving you money even when it’s busy.
  • Free cancellation
    Enjoy the flexibility of being able to cancel up to 3 rides per month with no fees.
  • Priority pick-ups
    When you request a ride you go straight to the top of the waiting list, ensuring faster pick ups.

How to join Bolt Plus

Open the Bolt app

Open the Bolt app or download Bolt if you don’t have it yet.

Go to the main menu

Open the sidebar and tap on Join Bolt Plus.

Choose a plan

Select the plan that suits you best.

Sign up

That’s it! You can immediately start enjoying the best of Bolt.

Frequently asked questions

These benefits are subject to change as we always look to improve the service. Please make sure you have the newest version of the Bolt app in order to access the latest benefits. We’ll inform you of any significant changes to the benefits offered.

Once you sign up, you’ll automatically receive price protection during times of high demand, priority pick up for your rides and access to other benefits. Learn more about these benefits in the FAQs below.

You can cancel your membership in your Bolt app 24 hours before its renewal. If you cancel within 14 days of the beginning of your membership, you will be entitled to a refund. If you cancel any time after 14 days of the beginning of your membership — the amount will not be refunded; however, your membership benefits will still be available until the end of your membership period.

Your membership renews automatically each month until you cancel. You can also check, cancel and manage your membership in your Bolt app.

Bolt Plus works with all ride-hailing services offered by Bolt in the country in which you sign up, but the included benefits do not cover Bolt Business rides. Note: price protection price caps vary city-to-city. Check the Bolt Plus benefits and FAQ in the app to find out which categories and price cap applies in your city.

Join Bolt Plus today!

Price protection, priority pick-ups, special discounts and more are waiting.
Join Bolt Plus today!