How to get from

Looking for the best way to get from Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre to Baltic Station? Explore our services and find the perfect one for your journey. Convenience and comfort are just a few taps away!

Dođi od Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre do Baltic Station uz Bolt

Dođi od Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre do Baltic Station uz Bolt

We recommend that you choose Bolt ride-hailing if you're looking for the best price for getting to Baltic Station. Using Bolt, this journey will take around 13 minuta and cost approximately 7.90 EUR. Whatever the occasion, we’ll find the perfect vehicle for you.
Dođi od Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre do Baltic Station uz Bolt
  • Trebaš stići sa stilom?
    Isprobaj Boltove premium automobile.
  • Pristupačne vožnje?
    Uživaj u pristupačnim automobilima po nižoj cijeni uz Bolt.
  • Imaš puno prtljage?
    Rezerviraj naše XL kombije za do 6 osoba.
Dođi od Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre do Baltic Station uz Bolt
  • Pridružuje li ti se tvoj ljubimac?
    Isprobaj naše vožnje prilagođene kućnim ljubimcima
  • Putuješ s djecom?
    Naruči vožnju prilagođenu djeci s pomoćnom sjedalicom.
  • Trebaš dodatnu pomoć?
    Naša kategorija pomoći nudi vozila dostupna invalidskim kolicima (WAV).

Često postavljena pitanja

Koji je najjeftiniji način putovanja od {{ preuzimanje }} do {{ odredište }}?

The most affordable way to travel from Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre to Baltic Station is by Basic which will cost you around 7.90 EUR.

Baltic Station udaljen je približno 7.2 km od Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre.

Potrebno je oko 13 minuta da stigneš od Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre do Baltic Station s Basic.

The cost of the trip from Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre to Baltic Station with Basic is approximately 7.90 EUR.