About the Delivery Fleet Portal

With the Delivery Fleet Portal, you can view/edit/add courier profiles under your fleet.

To enter the fleet portal, log in via the Bolt Delivery Fleet Portal website by entering your username and password. If you forgot your password, click Reset password.

The Delivery Fleet Portal portal allows you to manage your fleet(s) by clicking on the Fleet button in the upper right corner and choosing the relevant fleet.

The Fleet Portal contains four sections

Courier List

The Courier List section allows you to see the list of your couriers. You can edit the courier’s account information and view each courier’s details, blocking, and activity information by clicking on the pencil icon, which will take you to the courier profile. 

Courier Leads List

The Courier Leads List allows you to approve or reject added courier accounts within the fleet portal. 


You can download reports for your fleet by selecting the relevant date of the report in the Reports section.

Live Map

In the Live Map section, you can check your online couriers on the map. You can filter them by city, vehicle type, and availability.

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Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.