Data and history

Check the relevant instructions below:

Accessing the company’s account data

All company data can be found in the Company Dashboard:

  • The company’s legal information is available in the Settings tab
  • Details about administrators, added users and Ride Booker agents are available in the People tab
  • Details about groups of users are available in the Groups tab
  • Details about policies are available in the Policies tab
  • Information about company orders is available in the Rides and Food tab

Accessing order history

You can see an overview of the orders taken with the company’s payment method in the Rides or Food tab. Orders can be filtered by month, specific user or group. To see an overview of your Ride Booker rides, go to the Ride Booker tab.

To download the CSV report, click on the down arrow button in the top right corner of the Rides, Ride Booker or Food tab.

Note: Bolt Food for Business is currently available in a limited number of countries. We will inform you by email when the feature is available to you.

If you are experiencing any issues with checking the orders or downloading receipts, contact us from the Support tab. Please include a description or a screenshot of the error in the message.

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.