I want to report unknown charges

If you don’t recognise the charge, please check if this charge is:

  • Card authorisation: A temporary card verification hold from your bank to check your card’s validity. You will see /AUTH in the payment name in the bank statement for this charge. Please note that authorisation can be listed as a pending charge that can either be returned immediately or take up to 14 days, depending on your bank.
  • Cancellation fee: A fee for a cancelled order. We send receipts for cancelled orders only where you were charged a fee. You can also see the amount charged in the app under My Journeys.
  • Payment for a previous ride that failed: In case of a failed payment, your Bolt Balance will become negative, and the unpaid sum is collected with your next order payment. In the app, you can see the details of your previous rides under My Journeys and Bolt Balance transactions in the Payment section.
  • Payment for a ride taken by your family member or a friend with the same payment method.

However, if you don’t recognise the charge, please immediately contact your bank to block your card to prevent further unauthorised use.

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.